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Home Window Replacement Minneapolis | Mold growth on windows!

Do you see a discoloration on your windows? It could be growing mold. But there’s no reason to worry, because we are here to give you some helpful tips to get rid of it.

Home Window Replacement Minneapolis

Home Window Replacement Minneapolis | How to clean mold from windows?

Before you can solve you a problem, you need to identify that there is in fact a problem. Recognizing there’s a problem is half the job done. First and foremost, check the bottom of your windows, look at the area where the window sash frame meets the glass. Mold can be sneaky, i.e. they might share the same color as your window frame and it could camouflage itself. If you don’t nip it in the bud, mold can continue to grow and can potentially harm you and your family.

To start off, always ensure that you take safety precautions very seriously – wear gloves and a mask. Ensure that you have a sheet at the bottom of the window sill, in case some of the molds were to fall on the floor. While you’re doing all this, ensure proper air circulation in your Minneapolis home; leave a couple of windows open. Make a solution with 3 parts water, and 1 part bleach. Make use of a soft brush to dip into the solution you just made and scrub your window sills. This helps dislocate the mold from its fixed base. Now use a clean piece of cloth to wipe away any residue. Always ascertain that the window sill is allowed to dry completely and wipe off once again with a clean rag.

A Pane in the Glass Construction has a wonderful team with dedicated professionals if you were to ever require any assistance with your door installation or window replacement needs. Call us today at 651 329-4815 or email us at

Home Window Replacement Minneapolis | For all your window replacement needs, call A Pane In The Glass Construction today!